29 Ekim 2013 Salı

Awesome 60 Ruby on Rails Resources

Below is a compilation of 60 Ruby on Rails resources, ranging from Tutorials, Cheatsheets, Reference, Forums, Podcasts, Screencasts…

Official Ruby on Rails Links

1.Ruby on Rails Homepage

2.Ruby on Rails Download Page

3.Ruby on Rails Documentation

4.Ruby on Rails Official Blog

5.Ruby on Rails Source Code

Basics of Ruby on Rails

6.How to install Ruby of Rails

7.Getting Started With Ruby on Rails

8.One-Click Installer for Ruby on Rails
(A self-contained installer that includes the Ruby language, dozens of popular extensions, a syntax-highlighting editor and the book “Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer’s Guide”. Platforms: Windows NT/2000/XP, (OS X in development).

Ruby on Rails Tutorials

9.Learn Ruby on Rails: the Ultimate Beginners Tutorial

10.Developing rich Internet applications with Rails, OpenLaszlo, and Eclipse

11.Starting Ruby on Rails: What I Wish I Knew

12.Crossing borders: Ajax on Rails

13.Send Instant Messages from Rails

14.Installing Ruby on Rails with Lighttpd and MySQL on Fedora Core 4

15.Introduction to Form Helpers

16.Controlling Information Access with the Rails Action Controller

17.Drag and Drop with script.aculo.us and Rails

18.Ruby on Rails – Programming Best Practices

19.Understanding Ruby Loops

20.Build Ajax into your Web apps with Rails

21.Ruby on Rails Caching Tutorial

22.Faster Pagination in Rails

23.Hobo – the web application builder for Rails

24.Dropping and Sorting with AJAX and script.aculo.us

25.How to Build a Ruby on Rails Engine: In-depth Start-to-Finish Tutorial

26.Using Autotest with Rails on Windows XP machines

27.Rails Migrations for beginners

28.Fast-track your Web apps with Ruby on Rails

29.Flash and the Rails Action Controller

30.What is the secret sauce in Ruby on Rails?

31.AJAX powered chat in 3 hours on Ruby on Rails

32.Make A Rails Plugin From Scratch

33.Create a To Do List with Ruby on Rails

34.Distributing Rails Applications – A Tutorial

35.Using Ruby on Rails for Web Development on Mac OS X


Ruby on Rails Video Tutorials

AJAX in Ruby on Rails tutorial

37.Installing Ruby on Rails tutorial

38.Instant Rails & Plugins tutorial

39.MySQL & Restful Rails

Ruby on Rails Plugins

40.Rails Lodge Plugins

41.Rubyforge Plugins

Ruby on Rails Forums

42.Rails Forum


Ruby on Rails Quick Reference

44.Ruby on Rails Quick Reference (Johnnys Thoughts)

45.Ruby on Rails Quick Reference (Tutorial Spot)

Ruby on Rails Quick Cheat Sheets

46.Ruby on Rails Cheat Sheet (Invisible Blog)

47.Ruby on Rails Cheat Sheet (ilovejackdaniels)

48.Ruby on Rails Cheat Sheet (Nuby on Rails)

Ruby on Rails Quick Podcasts

49.Rails Podcasts

50.Ruby on Rails Podcasts (Odeo)

Ruby on Rails Screencasts

51.Creating a weblog in 15 minutes

52.Putting Flickr on Rails

53.Evolving your database schema without a sweat

Ruby on Rails Ebook

54.SitePoint’s Ruby on Rails Book is now FREE

Ruby on Rails Showcase

55.Rails Lodge – Portfolios

56.Working With Rails

Further Reading

57.Loud Thinking

58.Nuby on Rails

and finally…

59.Ruby on Rails at Wikipedia

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