29 Ekim 2013 Salı

Awesome Top 10 Free Blogging Platforms & Features For Web Designers

When I talk about Blogging Platforms in this article I am talking about stand-alone platforms, and not the likes of Blogger or Tumblr, which are hosted platforms (they will be discussed in a future article). Nothing wrong with these, just not exactly usable for web design.

All I am trying to do in this article is to show other web designers that there are other platforms out there, and not to be limited. The clients needs vary all the time, so its quite useful and professional, to have a little knowledge of other CMSes. We do need to be flexible.

There is not much difference between a CMS and a blogging platform. A blog can be easily tailored from both, just as a complex CMS system from a blogging platform. But I’ll keep the traditional CMS systems Drupal and Joomla out of this list.

1. WordPress (http://wordpress.org/)

Wordpress Homepage
URL: http://wordpress.org/
Wordpress is the Daddy of the Blogging Platform, can’t see anyone knocking it of the top spot for a long time yet.
License: Free.
Forum: WordPress Forum.
Features: W3C compliant, easy to edit templates,create non-blog pages (ie. Homepage), update and maintain numerous Blog Rolls,thousands of themes available, cross-blog communication tools, comments, trackbacks, pingbacks,spam protection, optional user registration,password protect posts or pages,easy to upgrade, import from another blogging platform, allows multiple authors, bookmarklets, plugins…and the list goes on and on.

2. TextPattern (http://www.textpattern.com/)

TextPattern Homepage
URL: http://www.textpattern.com/
Main contender to WordPress, more or less the same features, just doesn’t have the support from the internet community.
License: Free.
Forum: TextPattern Forum.
Features: Easy publishing using textile, a text-to-HTML converter, preview post or page,compliant XHTML and CSS, tag-based template system which allows the creation of reusable blocks of content and code,comments, trackbacks, pings, spam protection system, built-in site statistics,RSS and Atom,plugins, built-in CSS editor, link management system, image management system,integrated file management system… and like WordPress the list goes on and on.

3. Moveable Type (http://www.movabletype.org/)

Moveable Type Homepage
URL: http://www.movabletype.org/
License: Free.
Forum: Moveable Type Forum.
Features: The first to use trackBack, Unlimited weblogs, static and dynamic publishing, can create standalone pages asset and file manager, customized User roles, customizable templates, plugins / extensions, tags, categories, sub-categories…

4. Serendipity (http://www.s9y.org/)

Serendipity Homepage
URL: http://www.s9y.org/
License: Free.
Forum: Serendipty Forum.
Features: Designed for users of all technical levels, anti-spam, comment, trackbacks, pings,plugins, skin-able, easy to upgrade, flexible input/output, choose between HTML, Textile, Wiki, BBCode and other markups (I like this feature), and many more of the standard features not worth repeating.

5. LifeType (http://lifetype.net/)

LifeType Homepage
URL: http://lifetype.net/
License: Free.
Forum: Life Type Forum.
Features: integrated media management, smarty templates, plugins, spam filter, installation wizard, moblogging, multi blog, nice looking URLs (strange for a feature), XMLRPC interface for remote creating and editing articles. And of course you may ping as many directories as you like with the inbuilt XMLRPC ping service…

6. Flatpress (http://www.flatpress.org/home/)

Flatpress Homepage
URL: http://www.flatpress.org/home/
License: Free.
Forum: Flatpress Forum.
Features: standard-compliant, plugin support, Widget system, easy to customize with themes (powered by Smarty). To be honest there aren’t a lot of features, but I do like the bare bones system which does exactly what it says: I AM A BLOG!

7. Wheatblog (http://wheatblog.sourceforge.net/)

Wheatblog Homepage
URL: http://wheatblog.sourceforge.net/
License: Free.
Forum: Wheatblog Forum.
Features: The features on Wheatblog are much and such the same as Flatpress.

8. sBlog (http://sblog.se/wiki/Main_Page)

sBlog Homepage
URL: http://sblog.se/wiki/Main_Page.
License: Free.
Forum: sBlog Forum.
Features: Again, as Flatpress and Wheatblog, basic features. Something appealing about that. Clean and Simple.

9. Eggblog (http://eggblog.net/)

Eggblog  Homepage
URL: http://eggblog.net/.
License: Free.
Forum: Eggblog Forum.
Features: Basic features.

10. Loudblog (http://www.loudblog.com/)

 Loudblog  Homepage
URL: http://www.loudblog.com/.
License: Free.
Forum: Loudblog Forum.
Features: LoudBlog is a sleek and easy-to-use Content Management System (CMS) for publishing media content on the web. It automatically generates a skin-able website and an RSS-Feed for Podcasting. Just upload your audio/video files, add some notes and links, and you’re done! (I love the idea of this).

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