29 Ekim 2013 Salı

Awesome Top 25 CSS Clean Sites of 2013

A year in the life of web design can be compared to architecture from the sixties to the architecture of the nineties. The difference is phenomenal. If you don’t keep up with web trends then it will most definetly reflect on your design, technologies evolve slower, making it easier to keep up to date, but styles make life harder.

One of the most prominent design styles to make it to the forefront of design is the ‘clean’ style and the use of whitespace. It has been talked about for a while now on many websites, it is now that we are seeing it being implemented properly throughtout the net.

Personally I like this style, designed well, it gives a site a classy and tidy layout. I know that if I stumble on to a site that that tries to offer far too much information, I am instantly turned off. The clutter and the color collages sometimes are too much. Maybe we should all rethink our design strategies, go back to basics that this style offers. Food for thought.

Anyway, below are my favourite 25 clean site designs of 2007. Maqina epitamizes everything that I feel is right in web design, simple, easy to navigate, offers all the info you would need in one page. Brilliant. Let me know what you think.

1. Maqina/ (www.maqina.ro/)


2. Fresh Creative (www.getfinch.com/)

Fresh Creative

3. Oranges (www.o.rang.es//)


4. Aiga NY (www.aigany.org/)

Aiga NY

5. Mark Boulton (www.markboultondesign.com/)

Mark Boulton

6. Cottyn (www.cottyn.com/)


7. We Break Stuff (www.webreakstuff.com/)

We Break Stuff

8.Design View (www.andyrutledge.com/

Design View

9. Freesbe (www.freesbe.es/)


10. NERDVERK (www.nerdverk.com/)


and the also rans…

In page layout, illustration and sculpture, white space is often referred to as negative space. It is that portion of a page left unmarked: the space between graphics, margins, gutters, space between columns, space between lines of type or figures and objects drawn or depicted. The term arises from graphic design practice, where printing processes generally use white paper.

White space should not be considered merely ‘blank’ space – it is an important element of design which enables the objects in it to exist at all, the balance between positive (or none-white) and the use of negative spaces is key to aesthetic composition.

When space is at a premium, such as some types of magazine, newspaper, and yellow pages advertising, white space is limited in order to get as much vital information on to the page as possible. A page crammed full of text or graphics with very little white space runs the risk of appearing busy, cluttered, and is typically difficult to read. Some designs compensate for this problem through the careful use of leading and typeface.

Judicious use of white space can give a page a classic, elegant, or rich appearance. For example, upscale brands often use ad layouts with little text and a lot of white space. Inexpert use of white space can make a page appear incomplete.

Wikipedia definition of Whitespace.

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