29 Ekim 2013 Salı

Awesome Top 10 (Web Safe) Blogging Fonts

The definition of Web Safe fonts means that they are generic fonts that work throughout (most) Web Browsers and are used on all operating systems (Windows, Linux and Mac). So if you design web pages on any of these systems or use any browser then they will be displayed the exact same. Of course, nothing is as easy as saying that Comic Sans works across all, the reality is, with Safari, that Bold doesn’t display well. So we have to play it safe, we...

Awesome Top 25 Free Icon Resources for Web Designers

Please note that this post is fairly old, for the latest free icons you should browse the Free Icons category.1. Fam Fam Fam (www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/)2. Brand Spanking New (www.brandspankingnew.net/archive/2006/12/hohoho.htm)3. Greyscale (www.e-lusion.com/design/greyscale/)4. Drunky Love (http://www.el73.be/drunkey-love/downloads)5. Strawbee (www.strawbee.com)6. N Design (www.ndesign-studio.com)7. Sweetie (www.sweetie.sublink.ca/)8.Fast Icons...

Awesome Top 25 CSS Clean Sites of 2013

A year in the life of web design can be compared to architecture from the sixties to the architecture of the nineties. The difference is phenomenal. If you don’t keep up with web trends then it will most definetly reflect on your design, technologies evolve slower, making it easier to keep up to date, but styles make life harder. One of the most prominent design styles to make it to the forefront of design is the ‘clean’ style and the use of whitespace....

Awesome Top 10 Resources To The Perfect Color Scheme for Web Designers

There are many different building blocks to designing and building a web site. Content/product has always got to be at the forefront of your mind in the initial stages of planning, followed by layout and then comes the styling… this is where the difference between good design and bad is determined. For the most part it is straightforward, but coming up with a harmonious color scheme is tricky. We have to look at many aspects of the website we design...

Awesome 10 Free Resources for Background Patterns and Textures

Quite often we stumble on to a blog that looks bland, in dire need of some color, a little bit of character, these sites maybe aren’t very familiar with blog design, let alone CSS. The simplest way to freshen up a site is with a new theme or to do a little CSS tweaking with your current theme. You could be surprised with the results. In this article I will show you the best resources for backgrounds and textures. For those of you who aren’t familiar...

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