I have taken all of the Ajax and JavaScript posts that I have written over the past year and analyzed the stats and figures (outgoing links, page popularity etc. ) to find what really are the best free Ajax Resources. This has been a good exercise in tracking current Ajax web trends.
Have a look for yourself, whether you agree or not, these are the results.
Top 5 Javascript Frameworks
1. jQuery (http://jquery.com/)
URL: http://jquery.com/.
Blog: http://jquery.com/blog/.
Documentation: http://docs.jquery.com/.
2. MooTools (http://www.mootools.net/)
URL: http://www.mootools.net/.
Blog: http://blog.mootools.net/.
Documentation: http://docs.mootools.net/.
3. script.aculo.us (http://script.aculo.us/)
URL: http://script.aculo.us/.
Blog: n/a.
Documentation: http://wiki.script.aculo.us/.
4. Prototype (http://www.prototypejs.org/)
URL: http://www.prototypejs.org/.
Blog: http://www.prototypejs.org/blog.
Documentation: http://www.prototypejs.org/learn.
5. MochiKit (http://www.mochikit.com/)
URL: http://www.mochikit.com/.
Blog: http://www.mochikit.com/blog.html.
Documentation: http://www.mochikit.com/doc/html/MochiKit/index.html.
Top 10 AJAX Directories
1. MiniAjax.com / A showroom of nice looking simple downloadable DHTML and AJAX scripts
2. Ajax Scripts and Applications :: Hot Scripts
3. AjaxDaddy – Ajax Examples in Action
4. Ajaxian
5. Funky Ajax
6. CrackAjax
7. ajax.clear-mind.be -unlimited ajax resources
8. Free Ajax Scripts
9. Ajax-Source.com
10. Best Ajax Scripts
Top 5 Ajax CheatSheets
Top 10 jQuery Downloads
1. jQuery Virtual Tour
Description:jQuery Virtual Tour allows you to add interactivity and transform a panoramic image into a virtual tour.
This is a pretty cool plugin that will give your readers a lot more detail within your image galleries. Recommended.
Demo: jQuery Virtual Tour Demo.
Download: jQuery Virtual Tour Download.
2. jSocialize – jQuery version of mooSocialize!
Description: This is the jQuery version of the phenomenal mooSocialize (which was, obviously, built on the mooTools framework).
jSocialize allows you to integrate your bookmarks for every post on your blog, website etc.
By clicking the jSocialize button, a window will appear, which lets you choose your favorite Social Bookmarking Network. Having a thumbnail of each service beside the link, it’s easy to see and find the one of your liking.
It then opens up the page in a hovered layer. Click the X and the window closes.
Try the Demo you will love this.
Demo and Download: jSocialize Demo and Download Page.
Compatability: It’s been tested in Firefox, IE7 and Opera 9+.
Note: This is also available as a WP plugin.
3. Flexigrid – Data Grid/Table
Description: This is a lightweight but rich data grid with resizable columns and a scrolling data to match the headers, plus an ability to connect to an xml based data source using Ajax to load the content.
Features: Resizable columns ; Resizable height and width ; Sortable column headers ; Cool theme ; Can convert an ordinary table ; Ability to connect to an ajax data source (XML and JSON[new]) ; Paging ; Show/hide columns ; Toolbar (new) ; Search (new) ; Accessible API.
Demo: Flexigrid Demo.
Download: Flexigrid Download.
4. Anti-aliased Rounded corners with JQuery
Description:This is a variation of the very good jQuery plugin CurvyCorners, smaller file (in at 15kb) and runs a lot faster.
Demo: Anti-aliased Rounded corners Demo.
Download: Anti-aliased Rounded corners Download.
5. jQuery Shoutbox
Description:This shoutbox is a chat-like feature for your website that allows people to quickly leave messages without any form of user registration. As with most ajax there is no need for refresh making the effect very smooth. Unlike other shoutboxes this integrates seemlessly into your theme by styling the CSS file.
Screehshot: jQuery Shoutbox Screenshot.
Download: jQuery Shoutbox Download.
Developer: Ajaxdaddy.
6. Coda Bubble Tooltip
Description: This script will help you recreate the amazing puff popup bubble effect as seen on panic.com/coda. Inessence this is probably the best tooltip script I have seen. Its not a script for every site, but implemented properly it would look amazing.
Demo: Coda Bubble Demo.
Download: Coda Bubble Download.
7. Featured Content Glider
Description:This script lets you painlessly showcase new or featured contents on your page, by turning ordinary pieces of HTML content into an interactive, “glide in” slideshow. For the ultimate in the ability to customize its look, the pagination links are also ordinary links that you define on the page, but with special CSS class names inserted when it should perform a certain task. Visit the homepage to read about all the features. Excellent.
Demo: Featured Content Glider Demo.
Download: Featured Content Glider Download.
8. Humanized Messages
Description: Humane Messages is a system for displaying and temporarily logging non-modal messages, for use in web applications. It’s simply a large and translucent message that’s displayed over the contents of your screen. They fade away when the user takes any action. In practice, the message is both noticeable yet unobtrusive.
Demo: Humanized Messages Demo.
Download: Humanized Messages Download.
9. Img Notes
Description: A simple way to display notes over images when you roll your mouse over the image. This is not unlike the jQuery Virtual Tour, but a lot simpler to use.
Demo: Img Notes Demo.
Download: Img Notes Download.
10. jqDnR – Minimalistic Drag’n'Resize
Description:jqDnR is a lightweight plugin for jQuery that lets you drag, drop, and resize elements. jqDnR provides the all the basic elastic functionality most dialogs will need. Basic and simple and easy to use.
Demo: Anti-aliased Rounded corners Demo.
Download: Anti-aliased Rounded corners Download.
Top 10 Mootools Downloads
1. Slider
URL: http://www.phatfusion.net/slider/.
Description: Horizontal or Vertical bar and slider.
Demo:View Demo.
2. Simple 3D Carousel
URL: http://www.hotajax.org/content/view/491/420/.
Description: A (not so) basic 3D Carousel.
Demo:View Demo.
3. Click to change the background
URL: http://www.hotajax.org/content/view/468/420/.
Description: Dynamic color selector- colors swatch animate to pick and change the background.
Demo:View Demo.
4. Photo Gallery
URL: http://www.hotajax.org/content/view/211/420/.
Description: A marvellous interactive Photo Gallery.
Demo:View Demo.
5. Noob Slide
URL: http://www.outcut.de/.
Description: This is another image gallery slideshow, nicely done..
Demo:View Demo.
6. Tips
URL: http://www.hotajax.org/content/view/213/420/.
Description: A stylish tool tip demo.
7. Pamoorama
URL: http://www.silverscripting.com….
Description: It show only part of your fullsize image, the image can then be scrolled by moving the mouse over it.
Demo:View Demo.
8. Sample Nav Bar
URL: http://www.hotajax.org/content/view/212/420/.
Description: A stylish and easy to use nav bar.
Demo:View Demo.
9. Javascript Image Gallery
URL: http://tutorialdog.com….
Description: A simple but very useable Image gallery.
Demo:View Demo.
10. Slidinglist
URL: http://www.hotajax.org/content/view/210/420/.
Description: A tree-like sliding navigation system.
Demo:View Demo.
Top 10 Script.aculo.us Downloads
1. ModalBox
URL: http://www.wildbit.com/labs/modalbox/.
Description: ModalBox is a JavaScript technique for creating modern (Web 2.0-style) modal dialogs or even wizards (sequences of dialogs) without using conventional popups and page reloads. Pretty cool.
Demo:View Demo.
2. Auto-Scrolling Page Navigation
URL: http://tobielangel.com….
Description: A simple scrolling/sliding page navigation. Easy to use.
Demo:View Demo.
3. Sexy Sliding Menu for script.aculo.us
URL: http://www.andrewsellick.com.
Description: There is also a MooTools variation with this menu, this truelly is a sexy sidebar. I am using this script on a new site I am designing.
Demo:View Demo.
4. CoolTips
URL: http://www.wildbit.com/labs/cooltips/.
Description: CoolTips is a lightweight unobtrusive JavaScript web-browser tooltips replacement technique.
5. Sliding Date-Picker
URL: http://ajaxorized.com….
Description: Basically, pick any date with a slider bar. I like this.
Demo:View Demo.
6. Sortable Lists
URL: http://demo.script.aculo.us/ajax….
Description: ModalBox is a JavaScript technique for creating modern (Web 2.0-style) modal dialogs or even wizards (sequences of dialogs) without using conventional popups and page reloads. Pretty cool.
Demo:View Demo.
7. DatePicker using Prototype and Scriptaculous
URL: http://www.eulerian.com….
Description: A nice and light date picker.
8. Collapsable Effects with Script.aculo.us
URL: http://www.dustindiaz.com….
Description: I like this better than other Accordian effects purely because it doesn’t call itself an Accordian (a now well overused term).
Demo:View Demo.
9. A CSS Crossfader
URL: http://mikeomatic.net/?p=78.
Description: A great text transitional fading script.
Demo:View Demo.
10. Javascript Password Strength Meter
URL: http://www.geekwisdom.com/dyn/passwdmeter.
Description: A great addon for measuring how secure your visitors password is.
Overall Top 20 Most Popular Free Scripts and Downloads
1. Lightbox 2 (http://www.huddletogether.com)
2.Timeline (http://simile.mit.edu/timeline/)
3. Reflection.js (http://cow.neondragon.net)
4. Pie & Donut Chart (http://www.amcharts.com/pie/)
5. Plotr (http://solutoire.com/plotr/)
6. Ajax Instant Messenger (http://www.ajaxim.com/)
7. Starbox (http://www.nickstakenburg.com/projects/starbox/)
8. Ajax Tabs Content (http://www.dynamicdrive.com/)
9. Drag and Drop Shopping (http://demo.script.aculo.us/shop)
10. Progress Bar (http://www.webappers.com/progressBar/)
11. Thick Box (http://jquery.com/demo/thickbox/)
12. Create Flickr Like Fields (http://dbachrach.com)
13. jTip – A jQuery Tool Tip (http://codylindley.com)
14.Accordian (http://demos.mootools.net/Accordion)
15. Unobtrusive AJAX Star Rating Bar (http://www.masugadesign.com)
16. Plotkit (http://www.liquidx.net/plotkit/)
17. Pie Chart Ajax (http://www.amcharts.com/pie/)
18. Prototip http://www.nickstakenburg.com/projects/prototip
19. Ajax Inline Text Edit (http://www.ajaxdaddy.com/ajax-inline-text-edit.html)
20. Tabbed Content Browser (http://www.ajaxlessons.com/2006/02/18/ajax-workshop-2-building-tabbed-content/)
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