20 Top Script.aculo.us Scripts you can’t live without.
1. Sexy Sliding Menu for script.aculo.us
URL: http://www.andrewsellick.com.
Description: There is also a MooTools variation with this menu, this truelly is a sexy sidebar. I am using this script on a new site I am designing.
Demo:View Demo.
2. ModalBox
URL: http://www.wildbit.com/labs/modalbox/.
Description: ModalBox is a JavaScript technique for creating modern (Web 2.0-style) modal dialogs or even wizards (sequences of dialogs) without using conventional popups and page reloads. Pretty cool.
Demo:View Demo.
3. Sortable Lists
URL: http://demo.script.aculo.us/ajax….
Description: ModalBox is a JavaScript technique for creating modern (Web 2.0-style) modal dialogs or even wizards (sequences of dialogs) without using conventional popups and page reloads. Pretty cool.
Demo:View Demo.
4. Collapsable Effects with Script.aculo.us
URL: http://www.dustindiaz.com….
Description: I like this better than other Accordian effects purely because it doesn’t call itself an Accordian (a now well overused term).
Demo:View Demo.
5. CoolTips
URL: http://www.wildbit.com/labs/cooltips/.
Description: CoolTips is a lightweight unobtrusive JavaScript web-browser tooltips replacement technique.
6. Auto-Scrolling Page Navigation
URL: http://tobielangel.com….
Description: A simple scrolling/sliding page navigation. Easy to use.
Demo:View Demo.
7. Sliding Date-Picker
URL: http://ajaxorized.com….
Description: Basically, pick any date with a slider bar. I like this.
Demo:View Demo.
8. A CSS Crossfader
URL: http://mikeomatic.net/?p=78.
Description: A great text transitional fading script.
Demo:View Demo.
9. Javascript Password Strength Meter
URL: http://www.geekwisdom.com/dyn/passwdmeter.
Description: A great addon for measuring how secure your visitors password is.
10. DatePicker using Prototype and Scriptaculous
URL: http://www.eulerian.com….
Description: A nice and light date picker.
and the rest…
11. LightWindow v2.0.
12. Ajax In Place Editor.
14. Script.aculo.us Select Box.
15. script.aculo.us Reflector.
16. A great slider with 9 demo variations.
17. A pretty smooth accordian.
18. Mir.aculo.us effect demos.
19. Real Time Email Validation.
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