The best website designs are the ones which have HTML5 elements to get everything desired by you to be delivered without the need for your internet users to install additional software like browser plugins. This is a design which does everything from music to movies, animation to apps, in addition to being used to create applications which are incredibly complicated, but can easily run on your browser.
A website created using the HTML5 responsive template has many new markup tags like:
- <header> and <footer> tags for separating the bottoms and tops of content blocks, and you can use this as many times as you like on a single page.
- <nav> tag for specifying the sections you should consider as navigational blocks.
- <article> tag for defining a particular singular piece of content, for instance, a user comment or a blog post.
- <section> tag for defining a generic content section; not too different from the currently existing <div> tag.
- <canvas> tag for drawing graphics with a separate scripting language.
- <video> and <audio> tags for marking the inclusion of video or audio content.
- <embed> tag for embedding external applications or content into your page.
Good HTML5 Examples: If you want to create good websites that will help you to sell your products and services through your ecommerce site or any other type of site, you should consider the ones briefly described below for your inspiration. They already have all the features you need, which means creating a site like them will not be a problem.
SF Dok HTML5 Website
This is one of the good HTML5 websites that can be used to create yours, and you dont need to pay royalties to use it.
Birrificio Irpino HTML5 Inspiration
This is a good option if you are looking for a responsive web design which is a cross-platform, meaning that it can work on a netbook, a tablet or a smartphone, notebook or ultrabook or a Smart TV.
Beercamp 2012 Site For Inspiration
This is one of the good HTML5 examples which support HTML5, making your browser to work well.
Cyptrade Website
Those looking to create HTML5 websites should use something like this because it works better than sites created using HTML4.
Black5 HTML5 Design
This is a good web design inspiration because your site would be less dependent on plugins for functionality.
Netlash Project Website
Device independence is one of the cool features of this website, meaning that your site can be viewed on all devices, with the same end experience provided.
HTML5 Readiness Your Inspiration
With a website like this, markup replaces scripting to give your internet users a good experience when on your site.
CSS Piffle Website for HTML5 Design
This is one of the best HTML5 websites with some tags such as , ,
Kinetic V5 HTML Web Design
This is one of the web design examples which fix the well known problems in HTML4, giving you improved performance.
Digital Hands HTML5 Site
With a website create like this, you will have what loads faster, making you to consume less bandwidth.
Domani HTML5 Website
If you are looking to create a site which does not consume the battery life of the mobile devices of your visitors, you should create something like this.
Lend Your Leg Website
When web designers want to create a site which does not need the use of many plugins such as Flash and Java, they always create a site like this.
DotFusion Website for Inspiration
If you dont want your visitors to be constantly updating so many plugins and addons on their browsers, you should create a site similar to this.
Angry Birds Space Website
For a site that continues working without frustration, this is a good site for your inspiration, thanks to the HTML5.
Dribble Fresh HTML5 Website
HTML5 makes everything easier and simpler for web designers, and that is one of the reasons for creating a similar site.
Team Viget HTML5 Site
You should create a site that looks like this because HTML5 is the future of web browsing.
Lead Pilot HTML5 Inspiration
All browsers work well with this website, thanks to the HTML5. If you want a business website with the same features, you should create something similar.
Raffael Stueken HTML5 Website
This is one of the most popular websites because its HTML5 replaces Flash and Silverlight.
Abby Putinski Wesbite
This website is the work of a San Francisco illustrator and graphic designer. The site is about the experiences and adventures of the guy, with fun illustrations documented.
Hover Studio Babbit Site
A 3D interactive world is created by this website, thanks to its HTML5 feature. It is a site which is always worth visiting.
Best Film Festival Website
This is a website which gives you a fun experience, serving as an example for those looking to create corporate websites.
GForce HTML5 Website
This website shows the capabilities of HTML5 inherent in IE9. As you use your mouse to scroll down, you will see all the different cool features.
Cervezaaustral Website – VIEW SITE
Greencampusguide HTML5 Design – VIEW HERE
Foyachts Web Design – VIEW HERE
Reunitetheriver HTML5 Website – VIEW HERE
Toyotapriusprojects Inspiration – VIEW HERE
Neotokio HTML5 Site – VIEW HERE
Rallyinteractive Website – VIEW HERE
The Expressive Web Design – VIEW HERE
Cinema Series Orange HTML5 Site – VIEW HERE
Wired Website for HTML5 – VIEW HERE
Theam Azing Spider Man Game – VIEW HERE
Luhsetea HTML5 Website – VIEW HERE
Toolofna Website Inspiration – VIEW HERE
Slaveryfootprint HTML5 Website – VIEW HERE
Smart Way to Travel Site – VIEW HERE
Digitalhands HTML5 Web Design – VIEW SITE
Landofquattro HTML5 Your Inspiration – VIEW HERE
Unfold Fresh HTML5 Website – VIEW HERE
Inze Website HTML5 Design – VIEW HERE
The Wilderness Downtown Site – VIEW HERE
Soulwire Website Inspiration – VIEW HERE
Thisshell HTML5 Website – VIEW HERE
Superlovers Beautiful Web Design – VIEW HERE
Annasafroncik Website – VIEW HERE
Stopatnever Fresh HTML5 Site – VIEW HERE
Wingcheng Wesbite HTML5 – VIEW HERE
Letsyep Website – VIEW HERE
Those are some of the best website designs for those who want to create something similar for their businesses or just want something to share ideas with friends. With HTML5, you site would have the necessary security features needed for creating a site that people would enjoy visiting. Therefore, you should talk to your web designer today if you want to have a similar site which gives you success online.
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