1 Kasım 2013 Cuma

Awesome 6 Types of Irritating Clients and How to Handle them

Off to starting a new online graphic designing business? It is quite certain that in your journey of becoming the successful graphic designer and leaving the consumers stunned with your creative artworks you will have to face many hardships. No matter what field you choose as a profession, the fact remains that the key to success is hard work and strong determination. A few days back I wrote an article that revolved around ways to find the clients 6 Ways to Get New Clients for your Web Design Business. Remember?

Well, if you got impressed and followed the ways to find clients for your business then I am sure at one point or the other you got bugged up for miscellaneous reasons. One reason could be the ‘nagging clients’. Correct me if I am wrong.

Sometimes in the quest to find the appropriate clients  we come across such ones that are almost unable to handle. From annoying clients to one who can be categorized as bad payer, mysterious ones and likewise, you sometime fail to deal with such clients. At times you can make out who is not the right client in one go but there are times you come to know at later stage when it becomes difficult to handle the situation. This however doesn’t mean that you should feel disheartened, there is always a solution to every problem the only thing is that you need to find the smart way out.

Graphic designers surely know what I am talking about as there are different types of clients that bug you up in really demanding way. As Adrian Shaugh­nessy puts it “Without clients there is no graphic design and without demanding clients there is no great graphic design.” Clients are undoubtedly of utmost importance. A graphic designer needs to handle them all in different manner so as to build strong relationship with the client.  The cliche sounding lines are : ‘Design something cool, you know, with lines and shapes.’ ‘I really like the old-school look. Can you make it a little more modern?’ and many more like these.


To cut the long story short, here we have come up with the tips and tricks for the graphic designers to handle irritating clients in the smartest way possible. Listen to your clients carefully, provide them with the smart options, find the resources, follow up; these could be few good ways to deal with nagging clients. If you fail to do all these and clients keep bugging you then keep away from them. Simple rule!

Tips to Handle Irritating Clients

1. How to deal with demanding clients?

Graphic designers need to handle the demanding clients quite carefully. By demanding clients I mean those who keep silliest demands for the graphic designers to execute. Without bothering about the limitations and restrictions on the part of the graphic designer they would ask to create the exact design. As a designer you know what are your limitations. I don’t ask you to say ‘NO’ to every different project that comes your way but if it asks you to go out of the way and is beyond your limitations, you should let your clients understand the problem for that particular project and politely say no. Don’t forget to tell them to give you the opportunity to offer your services to them in future.


2. How to deal with annoying clients?

Sometimes you come across the clients that are so much annoying that you actually feel like ignoring them hard but this is not the wise way out. These kind of people take undue advantage of your kindness and ask you to do things that are not talked about when the project is assigned to you. They call you anytime to make the changes in the final work which sometimes might not have been asked for at the initial stages. If you come across such clients and smell the rat, make sure you talk to them about the additional charges that will be levied on changes.  The best way is to be specific from the very beginning. Don’t go round and round to tell them just simple thing as it might be the reason for your problems at later stage of the project handling.


3. How to handle client with a little web design experience?

Graphic designers many a times come across such clients who have the little know-how of designing and keep questioning their decisions. If you are repeatedly hearing a sentence like “I would have done it myself but I don’t have time”. “It’s easy to make a website or similar ones then its an alarming time to say NO. If you come across such clients who you feel are dictating and annoying you, the best thing is to talk to them that they have their own ways and you have your own limitations. Be very clear about the project, research well and be prepared to face the counter questions. You don’t have to be rude but then handle such clients in smart way. If they go beyond, then you always have the option of saying No.


4. How to deal with clients with hidden identity?

If you come across someone who is not ready to disclose his/her real identity, one who is not ready to believe you then you know what exactly you have to do. Its the relationship of trust and if your client is not ready to reveal the true identity, how can you trust that you are offering your services for the right person. Here the only way to deal is to say no and move on.


5. How to deal with clients who are indecisive?

There are lot many people out there who know that they want something but what exactly they want they are not so sure. Same is the case with many clients who want to get some graphics designed but they fail to understand exactly what they want as the end result. In between they go so indecisive that they baffle the designer who then is unable to produce the best creative artwork. If you come across such indecisive clients then the best way to deal with them is  to talk to them and till they finally decide and let you know in written as to what exactly they want their design to be like don’t give it a kick-start. Make sure you and your client have a talk on what exactly would be the end result.


6. How to handle clients that can be termed well as ‘bad payers’?

Not only in graphic or web designing field you come across such clients who are genuinely bad payers but then they are there in almost every field. Make it the rule to get the deposit before you begin the project be it partially and the ones who are genuine will pay instantly but the ones who come up with excuses like I don’t have the sufficient funds initially, will pay you once the project is complete are surely not to work for. Graphic designing is your profession and you are not there for any kind of charity. Make it very clear that once the deposit is made, the work will be started. Don’t get trapped in excuses made by such bad payers.


I have listed the best ways to handle irritating clients. Always remember everyone is different, its you who has to understand who is the right one and how to deal will the clients of various type. Have you come across any such clients? How did you deal with them? Do let us know.

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