1 Kasım 2013 Cuma

Awesome 6 Ways to Get New Clients for your Web Design Business

As the headline reads you all surely know that this article is dedicated to the web designers. Talking in general terms whenever you are off to some new venture what all are the initial steps you take to kick start. I ask myself one question. What would I expect of anyone else who would offer me the services? Infact, this is the best way to deal with the clients. If you put yourself in the place of your target audience or clients you would well know how to start and continue

Becoming a successful web business entrepreneur and staying in the competitive world of web designing asks for much more than great designing skills. Creativity, originality, credibility and above all determination blended with sales and marketing skills are keys to success. Now the question is how to look for the clients to offer the services the best possible way. Ask yourself, if you are the one who is looking for the web designer where would you search for and how would you know you have made the right choice?


Certainly, you won’t be running here and there to hire the web designer. :) Here I am listing below the ways to get the clients for your web design business.

Get New Clients for your Web Design Business

1. Create Your Own Website

First and the foremost thing is to start with is designing your own website. Design the web site for yourself just the way you want. Let your creative juices flow and put your best foot forward. People who are looking for web designers will surely want to hire the best and your website will work as the portfolio making them aware of your creative skills.


2. LinkedIn

Social networking sites are doing wonders these days. They help you in finding clients and vice versa. clients can find the right person for their job by checking out the social networking sites like LinkedIn which is specifically designed for the professionals. Make the optimum use of this social networking tool for reaching your target audience and get noticed.


3. Twitter

Twitter is yet another social networking tool that can be helpful for you if you are looking for the clients for your web business. Following the people in your field and gaining the followers can do the trick. Stay connected with people around and spare sometime out to tweet and check out the latest tweets. It is one good way to spread the word and get known among the people in design world.


4. Meet Up. com

Meetup.com is yet another way to find clients. You need to make little extra efforts to meet people in the design world and stay connected to get the clients. Each week the meet ups are held and if you attend them you can expand your network, meet new people in the same field and get clients too.


5. Craigslist

Whenever I get stuck up I open up craigslist and suggest people around me the same if they are looking for anything from freelancing , part time or full time jobs. So, the word of suggestion goes to post the description of yourself and the services you offer (under the specific category) so that who so ever is looking for the web designer can approach you.


6. Portfolio Websites

Websites like coroflot, behance, deviant art, dribble and likewise can help you find clients. You can create your profile and show up your creative work.   People looking for designers to get their tasks done can approach you anyway. Never underestimate the value of any website where you can upload your portfolio or make profile. Spare some time out and work on the best possible ways out to reach the target audience.


Creativity along with network building and spreading the word of mouth can get you the clients and good projects to show your creativity. Follow the steps listed above and find clients for your web designing business.  Wish you the very good luck!

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