1 Kasım 2013 Cuma

Awesome Web Design Mistakes you should Avoid to Increase Usability

Web designing while giving platform to showcase your creative skills asks you to pay lot of attention even on the minutest details. Smart web designing includes taking inspiration from fellow designers, seeking advice from them, following hit and trial method and give your best shot. Does that complete the list of how to improve your web designing skills? I say no! There is lot more you need to do to be a successful web designer.

Here, I would like you all to recall the article on following the latest web design trends which we came up with a few days back. (Latest 2013 Web Design Trends Every Business Should Follow). Coming to the point, keep yourself posted with what’s the latest web design trend, don’t keep lingering on with what you have been following over the years gone by, read about the other web designers, check out their creative art works spare time out reading the blogs on web designing. There are oodles of them; check out the best ones and bookmark them if you wish to keep a track on those daily.

Pardon me for talking in length about what must be done for successful web designing, ensuring to come up with creative masterpieces. Without further adieu let me begin with what exactly I am here to talk about. As the title of the article clearly hints here I would be talking about the mistakes to be avoided by a web designer that might hinder the online usability.


If we talk about tips to be followed to be a successful designer it becomes important to discuss about the mistakes to be avoided in web designing especially to survive the cut-throat competition. Many designers out there tend to go with the flow and without even bothering about the mistakes that should be avoided at any cost; these web design mistakes if not corrected can hinder with their online usability.

Scroll down to read about these web design mistakes and how you can avoid them.

Web Design Mistakes you should Avoid

1. Dull and impersonal look

No matter how much creative skills you are endowed with the fact remains that presentation matters a lot. While designing your website make sure  you put yourself in the users’ shoes and how would you feel if you were at the visitors place if you come across a website that appears to be dull and impersonal. Surely, you will get the answer by yourself as to how important it is to design a website that is interesting and visually appealing.


2. Non-Readable Text/Content

Yours is a website that’s entirely dedicated to web designing but that doesn’t at all mean that you can ignore the content. The text or the content of your website should be easily readable. Don’t get mistaken by thinking that in design sites one need not focus much on the content. Also, avoid poor visibility of web contents. Ensure your visitors are able to read the content of your website with ease.


3. Use of Color

Well, you all will agree with me that colors play a major role in designing but that doesn’t mean that you can use any color for your website. Use bold colors but the ones that go in sync with your brand color. Choose the right color and check whether the website color is in sync with  your brand color. Don’t ignore the color usage and pick any color you wish to. Avoid playing with colors when it comes to website designing.


4. Being Unreachable

I personally have come across various websites that ask me to spare little too much of my time to contact the person for any query if any. This makes it kind of bugging to ask the users to fill in the lengthy forms. Undeniably one needs to include the contact form but lengthy forms get the thumbs down.


5. Ignoring the importance of white space

By this what I mean to say is that one should avoid using every bit of the white space available on the website. Even if it’s of no use and you find it tempting to fill it stop there and then. Overfilling your website with whatever you think is informative and using every pixel of your website might confuse the visitors where to focus and what to click on. Make the design as soothing as possible leaving some white space.


6. User-friendliness

I am sure you all understand the importance of user friendly stuff ranging from gadgets to household stuff. When it comes to website designing avoid anything that makes your visitors get the feeling of your website being non user friendly. Focus on features that make your website as user-friendly as possible.


7. Not updated

Last but not the least, don’t make the mistake of not updating your website for long. Make sure you keep your website updated. Don’t give long gaps in updation on your websites.


The list of web design mistakes ends here but if not avoided these can badly interfere with the usability of any website. Why not avoid these above mentioned mistakes and increase the credibility and usability of your website.  Do share your views with us!

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