1 Kasım 2013 Cuma

Awesome How to Start your Online Web Design Business

After serving an online media company for years, I wanted a break; a refreshing one that would help me understand what I actually wanted and why the hell I was not contented as far as my work was concerned.

There comes a point in your life (professional or personal front) which makes you feel like shouting ‘enough is enough’. Let me not get deep into what are the pros and cons of working in the office atmosphere. Crux of the story is that I am no more offering my services to someone else; I am working for myself.

The long break made me understand what the problem was. It was there and then when I decided to open up my own website. But that was just the beginning. Trust me, working on your own is genuinely not that easy. You need to be really disciplined and determined because here you are your own boss. But with the paychecks in your hand after total dedication and hard work make you feel that its actually worth it.

Let me put forward one question for you all. Why work for someone else when you have the ability to harness your skills to work on your own and create a website? If like me you are the one who is planning to get into online business then you are just a scroll away from knowing what all it takes to launch a your own online business.


Well, as you all know this blog focuses mainly on web designers so I will pen down the useful tips keeping web designing in mind. But that doesn’t mean there is nothing for people other than web designers and developers. Scroll down and read on. These listed tips are not entirely specific but general too. Read on!

Start your Online Web Design Business

1. Attitude

As Winston Churchill puts it ‘Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference’. Before you plan to start an endeavor of launching your own website check your attitude. Attitude is a simple tool that some of you might feel is not as important as it becomes worth discussing but it makes a lot of difference. Besides proper planning, hard work, determination, dedication right attitude makes a lot of difference.  Being confident is very good but being over confident spoils it all. You should have positive mindset and should always be ready to learn. If you keep the easy-go attitude, you are sure to stop in between and will not be able to go far for the reason that being your own boss asks for much more strictness than working for someone else.


2. Beginning your journey

After the idea of starting your own web design business is conceived, the next step is to do a lot of brain storming regarding your skills, particular niche your website will be focusing on, website name, planning and other relevant things. In short, you need to get into the entrepreneur’s shoes before getting into the online web business.


3. Facing the challenges

You certainly can be the master of your field but that doesn’t at all ensure that you are a smart entrepreneur.  While doing any kind of business you have to deal with lot many issues and face many challenges. From taxes, to accountancy, marketing, business development, finding clients and like wise. Working on your own is far difficult than working for someone else. While you are offering your services to someone or some company you simply have the task of doing the assigned projects at a given time and meet the targets. But having chosen to work on your own you need to look into each matter. There are lot many challenges that one has to face. So, don’t be disheartened and don’t give up in between. You can any day seek help from people you think are aware and ready to help.


4. Management skills

All you web designers and developers know what I mean when I say you should divide the time and set the deadlines. Designing is one field that has lots and lots to explore. Continuous hits and trials can help you get the desired results and sometimes unexpected results too. But then it is highly suggestive that you should set time and decide the number of hours a day you would be spending on the particular project or design. This way you will not sparing extra hours in just one task. Also, one should learn the organizational management else it would not be able to succeed in your endeavor.


5. Building clients relationship

While serving some company you are not directly in contact with the clients but here you are the boss you are the employee; you have to find the clients and build the strong relationship with them. Its all up-to you to build good faith and be in their good books. Make sure whatever you promise be it on deadline part or anything related to designing; keep your words and don’t let them down. Be true to your work and to your clients! Here, I would  like to mention the article we came up with some days back. Yes, I am talking about the article reading 6 Ways to Get New Clients for your Web Design Business which you all certainly found interesting and useful to quite an extent.


6. Expect the Unexpected

In the online web designing business you can expect lot many ups and downs. No one can assure that you will be occupied with projects all the time. There will be times when you will feel you have no work at all. In today’s cut-throat competition it is wise to expect the unexpected. Don’t be disheartened at the times when nothing is in your favor instead use this time to develop your skills and make the optimum use of this spare time in a productive manner.


7. Be decisive

If you are into the online web designing business where you are the boss and in direct contact with the clients you need to be decisive and should know how to deal with the clients to get the best possible rates for your hard work. Moreover, while designing/developing you will undergo many hits and trials but don’t get stuck instead decide fast as to what will give shape to your ideas the best possible creative way.


8. Believe in yourself

I know it sounds easy to say that you should believe in yourself but when starting your own business of which you have very little or minimum knowledge you will have to face many problems if you don’t believe in yourself and your decisions . Be confident in clients handling and trust your creative skills, believe me you will make a difference.


10. Set Long term goals

When I say that you should set long term goals, I certainly don’t ask you to start thinking of the future without understanding the current scenario. You should have a broad vision and set small goals to reach your big goal which is to make the mark in your field.


11. Blogging and networking

You need not be into writing if you want to succeed in your online web designing business but its definitely the plus point. If you are into reading and writing, take some time out to blog and when it comes to building network, you should not at all ignore the power of  getting connected to people in your field.


12. Brushing up your skills

No matter how confident you are, how talented and creative person you are; the fact remains that there is always room for improvement. Keep your mind open to new options, learn whatever you can whenever you can with whatever resources you have. Keep yourself posted with the latest tools being used by your fellow designers. Don’t consider yourself to be superior at any point. Always be ready to learn from your fellow designers. You can read our article on How And What to Learn from your Fellow Designers. You never know if someone less experienced in the field might help you learn something to help you grow professionally.


With the anticipation that the above listed tips will help you start your online web design business, I stop here. Will surely be waiting to hear your say. Do you think I have missed out any tip which you wish to share with our readers? Do let us know.

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