1 Kasım 2013 Cuma

Awesome How to Improve your WordPress Website for SEO

To achieve a big goal in your life you need to take the first step and then set small immediate goals that will lead you to the main goal. You need to work really hard to cross each milestone and finally achieve your goal. Starting a blog/website doesn’t sound to be a big deal but the struggle starts as you take steps further. Getting high search engine rankings and monetizing the website takes your toll. It asks you to leave everything aside and just focus on your immediate target.

At this step SEOs come into play. Talking about WordPress website, you really need to make some tweaks if you wish to increase the SEO of your blog thereby benefitting in terms of ranking and traffic. You don’t have to be a master in handling such issues instead with little help you can become your own master. The only key is ‘hard-work’.

Undeniably, there are lot many SEO consulting companies that keep popping up every now and then to help consumers with SEO optimisation but then if you are low on the budget, then this article is apt for you.

Each one of us is well aware of the fact that creating fresh and engaging content helps build a loyal following and attract links. There are no shortcuts; you need to really work hard on optimising your WordPress website SEO thereby improving on the ranking, getting traffic and making your blog article appear on the first page of Google.


Keyword stuffing sounds little too cheesy as you all know its not a sure short way of improving your WordPress SEO. Some of you might argue that WordPress is one of the best content management systems that helps construct an SEO-friendly website but that doesn’t give you the liberty to just create your content and sit back waiting for some miracle to happen. There are oodles of ways that if followed sincerely can help you improve your WordPress website SEO.

How to Improve your WordPress Website for SEO

1. Use Keywords in Meta Description tags

Using keywords in your meta description tags may not ensure in increasing your rank but including them will indirectly be of help. How? Well, Google bolds the keywords in the search results when someone searches with that specific keyword, this will encourage users to click on your search results. So, we can’t say Using keywords in Meta description tags will not be of direct help but indirectly it will definitely not be a waste of time and efforts you make.


2. Pages functionality in WordPress

Pages inform customers about your business. Pages if you have observed are displayed permanently in your navigation. Use the Pages functionality to build static pages about your business like ‘About Us’, ‘Hours of Operation’, ‘Location’, and likewise. Such information is important for your customers thus should be in a prominent location. Ensure that your readers don’t have to dig deep into your website to find your location or your hours of operation. It is good and highly suggestive tip as search engines want to provide users with the best information.


3. Use keywords in the title

By now you know the importance of using the keywords in the title of your post and in your title tags. Besides helping in SEO it lets your readers know as to what they are about to read.


4. Categorising and Tagging

It’s not just the good content that does the trick instead you need to be smart in correct categorisation and tagging as it helps create additional blog urls for the given category or tag keyword. When you place a post in a particular category or tag, search engines recognise that it has new content. Its a great trick as search engine welcomes new content which helps improve your rankings.

5. Know the importance of slug

By slug I mean the part of the URL of your blog that point exactly to the post you are currently writing. WordPress allows you to directly modify the slug without any fuss so it is not at all difficult to pay attention to the slug that is generated upon the title you’ve added in the title field in the WordPress post editor. You can modify the slug with ease. Believe me it is as easy as clicking on it and writing your own version. This is surely going to help in SEO optimisation of your WordPress Blog.

6. Low-Competition keywords work

Highly competitive keywords are not easy to nab. Its simple to make out as to which phrase is highly competitive. Make a Google search of the phrase and look at the number of searches that appear right below the search box. If the number you see is above 75000 avoid using that phrase in your article while on the other hand if its less than this number go for as it will be easier to score a top ranking in search engine. This trick certainly helps.


7. Find Images Related to Your keywords and Name Them Right

Obviously if someone is searching for a travel destination take Malaysia as an example it would be expected to see the pictures of Malaysia and not some other country. Ensure you find images related to the topic of your article if not exact it should be close to what’s your article is talking about.

Also, you should name your images correctly. Sometimes we go lazy and don’t give appropriate names to the images which directly effects the search rate. Using your keywords in the alt description of your image will help increase search engine traffic and its any day great tip for easy accessibility.

8. Repeat the keywords in the article

See, here I am not at all using that cheesy line that one should focus on keyword stuffing instead I am pointing at right use of keywords the right way and at right point within your article. Indirect hints or use of unheard words or using high vocabulary which readers may find difficult to understand gets a big NO. If you want to rank for your keywords, you must use it smartly.

Be clear and concise and try including your keywords in the introductory part of your article or in H2 tag. This might not ensure increase in the ranking but will help let your readers know that they are not wasting their time instead have clicked the right permalink and are reading the right piece of article. Repeat the keywords in the article but don’t overdo it!


Indeed this is not the end of list of factors that influence your search engine rankings but then if you focus on creating great content and follow the above listed steps to improve WordPress website SEO . If you have any other tip in your mind which you think will be of great help feel free to leave a comment.

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